About SDGs
SDGs are one of the activities that countries and companies are working on to address the various environmental problems currently occurring on the earth.
"SDGs" are "Sustainable Development Goals" adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. An international goal with a deadline of 2030.
Our aim is to ``eliminate world poverty'' and ``realize a sustainable world.'' In order to achieve this goal, it consists of 17 goals and 169 targets, vowing to "leave no one behind" on the planet.
Our aim is to ``eliminate world poverty'' and ``realize a sustainable world.'' In order to achieve this goal, it consists of 17 goals and 169 targets, vowing to "leave no one behind" on the planet.
"What can Shinzi Katoh do to achieve the SDGs?"
So far, including the image character "Sora Bea" for the spread and enlightenment of renewable energy for the prevention of global warming,
the "Endangered Species Series" to support conservation activities for endangered Red List creatures, and more,
through the designs of Shinzi Katoh, we have been trying to protect the natural environment and continue into the future.
Even small things that can be used in everyday life are filled with a sense of the environment.
Within the miscellaneous goods Shinzi Katoh designed, there are many things made thinking about such SDGs.
Here, along with miscellaneous goods that Shinzi Katoh worked on, we also introduce activities.
Japan's first fair trade paper "Banana Paper" born in Zambia, Africa
Banana Paper is an ethical paper made by adding recycled paper or forest-certified pulp to organic banana stem fibers produced in Zambia, Africa, and using Japanese washi technology.
In 2016, it was certified as Japan's first fair trade paper in the paper industry.
Banana paper, which makes good use of "waste" so far, is currently used in 15 countries around the world, including Japan, and is a paper that leads to all 17 goals of the SDGs.
In 2016, it was certified as Japan's first fair trade paper in the paper industry.
Banana paper, which makes good use of "waste" so far, is currently used in 15 countries around the world, including Japan, and is a paper that leads to all 17 goals of the SDGs.
Shinzi Katoh develops postcards, stickers, stationery such as notebooks as products using this paper. It will also continue to be reborn as various items in the future.